First of all, it's important to note the difference between Sub Domains and Addon Domains

Sub Domains

A few examples of a sub domain for yourdomain.tld would be:


Notice how the only difference is the beginning part of the domain, the rest is all the same.

Jump to Creating a Sub Domain »

Addon Domains

A few examples of an addon domain would be:


Notice how the domains are completely different.

Jump to Creating an Addon Domain »

Creating a Sub Domain

  1. Visit My Services
  2. Click on your service
  3. Click on "Domains"
  4. Click on "Create a New Domain"
  5. Enter your sub domain in the "Domain" field, for example, you might fill in "members.yourdomain.tld"
  6. Untick the "Share document root" box
  7. Click "Submit"

Below is an example of how the form should look, if properly filled in:

Creating an Addon Domain

  1. Visit My Services
  2. Click on your service
  3. Click on "Domains"
  4. Click on "Create a New Domain"
  5. Enter your addon domain in the "Domain" field, for example, you might fill in "newdomain.tld" 
  6. Untick the "Share document root" box
  7. Click "Submit"

Below is an example of how the form should look, if properly filled in:

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