per month
(also renews at this price)
per month
(also renews at this price)
per month
(also renews at this price)
Fast! Our servers use a commercial web server called LiteSpeed - that's its name, which it lives up to! With it, all websites are powered by cutting-edge technology including QUIC (developed by Google) and HTTP/3. We mix this with MariaDB, a drop-in replacement for MySQL, to deliver blazing-fast database performance. The icing on the cake? 100% NVMe SSD storage! Your websites will be available and loading fast - day and night.
Secure! CloudLinux is the industry's leading operating system, which, along with CageFS, means that each web hosting account is fully-isolated. Ever experienced slowness or downtime because of another customer? We make certain that doesn't happen here! Our servers also utilise Imunify360, giving your website real-time protection against malware and unwanted traffic (bots). Say goodbye to the headaches caused by a hacked website.
Reliable! We use RAID, meaning in the rare event that an NVMe disk fails, there would be no downtime. The network that keeps our servers talking to the world is fully redundant, with multiple carriers. On-site generators mean that data center power could fail, and the load would be automatically passed over to the generators. We have a lot of experience in keeping websites online and make it a priority to do exactly that.
To help you make a decision, we've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions relating to the Web Hosting plans listed on this page.
If you can't find the answer to your question or if you would like more information, feel free to contact us at any time, and we'll be happy to help.
The answers to many other common questions that our customer service receives can be found in our knowledgebase.
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