awk '$3 ~ /^cwd/{print $3}' /var/log/exim_mainlog | sort | uniq -c | sed "s|^ *||g" | sort -nr
The above command will provide an output such as the below:
240 cwd=/var/spool/exim
20 cwd=/home/user
7 cwd=/home/user2
awk '$3 ~ /^cwd/{print $3}' /var/log/exim_mainlog | sort | uniq -c | sed "s|^ *||g" | sort -nr
240 cwd=/var/spool/exim
20 cwd=/home/user
7 cwd=/home/user2
If you're like us, you'll want your server's timezone to match your local time to make log...
This nifty command allows you to built up a list of the largest files and...
The installation commands are as follows:yum -y install libpcap libpcap-devel ncurses...
You may see a process running and wonder exactly where it's running from. Fortunately, there's a...
Strace is a Linux command that allows you to follow what a process on your server is doing. Let's...