This nifty command allows you to built up a list of the largest files and directories:
FS='/';clear;date;df -h $FS; echo "Largest Directories:"; du -hcx –max-depth=2 $FS 2>/dev/null | grep [0-9]G | sort -grk 1 | head -15 ;echo "Largest Files:"; nice -n 19 find $FS -mount -type f -print0 2>/dev/null| xargs -0 du -k | sort -rnk1| head -n20 |awk '{printf "%8d MB\t%s\n",($1/1024),$NF}'
You’ll need to adjust it, depending on which directory you wish to look within. For example, if you’re looking for a list of the largest files and folders in the /home directory, you’d use:
FS='/home';clear;date;df -h $FS; echo "Largest Directories:"; du -hcx –max-depth=2 $FS 2>/dev/null | grep [0-9]G | sort -grk 1 | head -15 ;echo "Largest Files:"; nice -n 19 find $FS -mount -type f -print0 2>/dev/null| xargs -0 du -k | sort -rnk1| head -n20 |awk '{printf "%8d MB\t%s\n",($1/1024),$NF}'
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